9 نماذج من "خطاب رفض متقدم لوظيفة" يرسل الى المرشح المرفوض بعد المقابلة

من الممارسات المهمة والضرورية في عملية التوظيف والتي تعتبر مؤشر على مهنية قسم الموارد البشرية، هي أرسال "رسالة رفض المتقدم للوظيفة" او ما تسمى "خطاب رفض المتقدم للوظيفة" وهو اشعار يرسل الى المرشح بعد المقابلة يتضمن نتيجة المقابلة.

فمن المهم جدا بعد اكمال المقابلات و وقوع الاختيار على احد المرشحين، إطلاع بقية المرشحين على نتائج مقابلتهم، فمن المناسب ارسال إشعار الى المرشحين غير المقبولين و إعلامهم بقرار الشركة بحقهم بمهنية وإحترام

يفضل معظم مختصو التوظيف رسائل الرفض التي تكون قليلة التفاصيل، بسبب عدد رسائل الرفض التي قد تضطر الشركة إلى إرسالها لو تم مقابلة عدد كبير من المرشحين، وكذلك لتجنب بعض التبعات القانونية والقضائية.

لذلك صار توجه معظم الشركات الى استخدام رسالة رفض واحدة عامة يمكن استخدامها مع كل مرشح ولكل وظيفة.

عادةً ما تحتوي رسائل الرفض ببساطة المعلومات التي تفيد بأن الوظيفة قد تم شغلها وتتضمن أيضًا بعض التعبيرات المهذبة عن التمني للمرشح التوفيق في البحث عن وظيفة.
ونظرًا لأن هذه الملاحظات عادةً ما تكون عامة وغير مخصصة، لذلك لا يوجد فيها مجال لذكر تفاصيل حول سبب رفض كل مرشح على حدة.

فيما يلي عشرة أمثلة على رسائل بريد الإلكتروني لرفض مرشح بسبب اختيار مرشح اخر وغلق الشاغر.

 نموذج 1 

Dear [Name of applicant]
ٍApplication for employment

Thank you for expressing an interest in the position of [position name] which was advertised recently. Unfortunately, your application has not been successful on this occasion.

If you would like to receive feedback on your application, please contact [insert name] on [insert phone number or email address] to arrange this.

We thank you for your interest, and take this opportunity to wish you well with your future career endeavours.

Kind regards
[Sender Name],
[Sender Position]

 نموذج 2 

[Applicant Name]

Dear Applicant,
Thank you for your interest in [Company Name] and for submitting your application for the [ job title] position with [department name].

We especially appreciate the time and effort you put into the application process.

The interview pool was very competitive. After careful consideration another candidate has been selected. We do hope that you will pursue future opportunities with us. You may learn about these opportunities by viewing our online employment site at [Company's webs

Best wishes,
[Sender Name],
[Sender Position]

 نموذج 3 

Dear [candidate name],

Thank you for taking the time to meet with our team about the [job title] role at [company name]. It was a pleasure to learn more about your skills and accomplishments.

Unfortunately, our team did not select you for further consideration.
I would like to note that competition for jobs at [company name] is always strong and that we often have to make difficult choices between many high-caliber candidates.

Now that we’ve had the chance to know more about you, we will be keeping your resume on file for future openings that better fit your profile.

I am happy to answer your questions if you would like any specific feedback about your application or interviews.

Thanks again for your interest in [company name] and best of luck with your job search.

[Sender Name],
[Sender Position]
 نموذج 4 

Dear [Applicant's first name],
We appreciate your interest in [company name] and the time you’ve invested in applying for the [role title] opening.

We ended up moving forward with another candidate, but we’d like to thank you for talking to our team and giving us the opportunity to learn about your skills and accomplishments.

We will be advertising more positions in the coming months. We hope you’ll keep us in mind and we encourage you to apply again.

We wish you good luck with your job search and professional future endeavors.
Best wishes,

[Sender Name],
[Sender Position]

 نموذج 5 

Dear Mr./Mrs. [Applicant's first name],
I want to thank you for your interest in the [Job title] at [Company name] and for all of the time you have put into the interview process.

Unfortunately, we will not be offering the position to you. While your [Education, Qualifications, Experience, Skills] are very impressive, we have chosen a candidate who has more hands-on experience.

We will keep your resume on file, and if any other job positions become available we will keep you in mind.

On behalf of [Company], I thank you for your time, interest, and effort, and I wish you the best in your future career endeavors.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at [Work phone number].

[Sender Name],
[Sender Position]

 نموذج 6 

Subject Line: Job Application - Candidate Name
Thank you very much for your interest in employment opportunities with ABCD company.

This message is to inform you that we have selected a candidate who is a match for the job requirements of the position.

We appreciate you taking the time to apply for employment with our company and wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.

Best regards,
Hiring Manager

 نموذج 7 

[Company Name]
[Company Address]
[City, State Zip Code]

Dear [Candidate Name],

Thank you very much for your interest in employment opportunities with [Company Name].

I am writing to inform you that we have selected the candidate whom we believe most closely matches the job requirements of the position.

We appreciate you taking the time to interview with us and wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.

Best regards,
Hiring Manager


 نموذج 8 

We appreciate your interest in [COMPANY NAME] and the time you invested in contacting us.

We regret to inform you, however, that the available position has been filled. We therefore cannot give your application further consideration at the present time.

Your resume will be kept on file for future reference should an opening arise.
We wish you good luck in your career search.

Best regards,
[Sender Name],
[Sender Position]

 نموذج 9 

Dear Mr./Mrs. [Sender Name],
With regards to your application to the post of [Job title] with [Company name] in [Address], we regret to inform you that following an extensive review, another candidate has been selected for the position.

We appreciate your patience during the selection process, and wish to assure you that your qualifications and experiences were given due consideration.

[Sender Name],
[Sender Position]

مترجم المقال : أيمن باسم محرر المقال : أيمن باسم المصــــــــادر : [1] [2] [3] [4]

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